Windows Media Downloads

Microsoft® Windows Media® 9 Series consists of a number of software components that you can use to create complete streaming media solutions. Within each component is a suite of related programs, plug-ins, tools, and utilities. Together, these components provide an end-to-end solution for streaming multimedia, from content authoring to delivery and playback.   

Latest Windows Media Downloads

  • Media Transfer Protocol Porting Kit

    Introduces the new Media Transfer Protocol (MTP), which enables you to manage content on any portable device with storage. MTP was first shipped as part of the Windows Media Device Manager 10 SDK. This porting kit includes the complete MTP specification, design documentation, sample source code, software to implement a PC-based MTP simulator, and MTP test tools.

    The latest version of the MTP Porting Kit includes thoroughly updated ANSI C source code as well as a redistributable MTP driver for Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, and Windows 2000 operating systems. This driver is implemented as a Windows Media Device Manager Service Provider and supports device access through Windows Media Player 9 Series and other device applications that work on the Windows Media Format 9 Series Software Development Kit (SDK).

  • Windows Media Services 9 Series SDK

    Part of the Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003, the Windows Media Services 9 Series SDK enables you to programmatically control, configure, and monitor a server running Windows Media Services 9 Series.   

  • Windows Media Format 9.5 SDK

    Introduces new features to provide enhanced content security and flexibility. Includes a new version of the Windows Media Video Image codec, as well as support for the new Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile.   

  • Windows Media Player 10 SDK

    Introduces a range of new features and functionality for customizing Windows Media Player and using the Windows Media Player control. Some of the features represent entirely new Player technologies; others extend and update existing technologies to enable new scenarios.   

  • Windows Media Device Manager 10 SDK

    Introduces new features to help you work with devices that support the new Media Transfer Protocol (MTP), devices that support a modified Windows CE (Pocket PC) class driver, and mass storage devices exposed by the new Microsoft Cluster (MSC) class driver. The Windows Media Device Manager 10 SDK is included in the Windows Media Format 9.5 SDK. You will also need to obtain digital certificates to enable transfer of content protected by Windows Media digital rights management (DRM).   

  • Windows Media Rights Manager 10 SDK

    Introduces new features to help you manage large numbers of licenses more easily, revoke specific licenses, and use new rights to support consumer scenarios like sharing music or burning playlists to CDs. Also use this SDK to work with portable devices that support Windows Media DRM 10 for Portable Devices. The Windows Media Rights Manager 10 SDK will be sent to you after Microsoft accepts a signed SDK license agreement from you. You will also need to obtain digital certificates to verify your identity.   

Older Windows Media Downloads

  • Windows Media Device Manager 9 Series SDK

    Installed along with the Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK, the Windows Media Device Manager SDK provides technology and documentation to enable the transfer of audio content to portable audio players. The Windows Media Device Manager SDK can be used either to construct an application which transfers audio content to a portable audio player or to construct a Service Provider, a high level software driver used by Windows Media Device Manager applications to access a class of audio players.

    The Windows Media Device Manager SDK is included in the Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK which you can obtain by clicking on the link above. If your application does not need to manipulate content protected with Microsoft digital rights management, the Windows Media Format SDK click-through EULA grants use and distribution rights for applications. If your Windows Media Device Manager-based application manipulates protected content, you should request the Windows Media Device Manager SDK DRM Agreement. For more information refer to the Windows Media Licensing Form.

  • Sample Code for Using the Windows Media Audio and Video Codec Interfaces

    This package includes documentation and sample code that demonstrate how to use the Codec APIs in the Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK.   

  • Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK

    With support for the new Windows Media Audio and Video 9 Series codecs, the Windows Media Format SDK provides technology and documentation you can use to create and manipulate Windows Media files in your applications.

    Before you can download the SDK, you must first register with Microsoft by filling out the form at the above link. Instructions on how to download this software will then be e-mailed to you. If your application does not need to manipulate content protected with Microsoft digital rights management, you can simply accept the new Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK click-through EULA. The click-through EULA grants use and distribution rights if you do not need to manipulate DRM content. If your application needs access to protected content, you should request a Windows Media Format SDK DRM Certificate Agreement. For more information refer to the Windows Media Licensing Form.

  • Windows Media Player 9 Series SDK

    The Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 Series SDK provides information and tools to customize Windows Media Player and to use the Windows Media Player ActiveX® control. This documentation also provides information about using Windows Media metafiles.   

  • Windows Media Encoder 9 Series SDK

    The Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9 Series SDK is designed for anyone who wants to develop a Windows Media Encoder application by using a powerful automation-based application programming interface (API).   

  • Windows Media Rights Manager 9 Series SDK

    This SDK provides the tools to create an end-to-end digital rights management (DRM) system that offers content providers and retailers a flexible platform for the secure distribution of digital media files. The Windows Media Rights Manager 9 Series SDK will be sent to you after Microsoft accepts a signed SDK license agreement from you. You will also need to obtain digital certificates to verify your identity.   

  • Windows Media Services 4.1 SDK

    The Windows Media Services 4.1 SDK component enables content developers and system administrators to support Windows Media Technologies in their Web sites today.    

Posted by +깡통+

 [답변]자답입니다 // 혹시 정확한 사용방법 아시는 분 계시면 꼭 알려주십시오 2005-01-18 오후 11:58:52
동구니 (nethe)  동구니님께 메시지 보내기동구니님을 내 주소록에 추가합니다.동구니님의 개인게시판 가기 번호: 494156   / 평점:  (-)  

 아무리 제가 해놓고 봐도 SDK와는 다릅니다. SDK의 이코드 저코드 끌어쓰다보니 어떻게 해결은 했습니다.


먼저 보통 방법처럼 windows media player ActiveX 콤포넌트를 삽입합니다. 그다음 변수지정하면 임의의 소스화일과 헤더화일이 생기는데 (CWMPPlayer4 기반입니다) 이걸 무시하고 그냥 콥포넌트를 삽입한 헤더에 CWMPPlayer [변수명] 형태로 바꾸어 줍니다.


다음 구현부분에서 현재의 CWMPPlaeyr 인터페이스 대신 자신이 사용하고 싶은 인터페이스를 불러옵니다. 여기서 인터페이스란 문자그대로 인터페이스 입니다. 미디어 플레이어의 다양한 기능을 각 부문별로 포장해놓은 패키지라고 생각하면 됩니다.


방법은 다음과 같습니다.


1) 지금 사용중인 미디어플레이어 개체에서 사용하고자 하는 인터페이스 포인터를 얻는다

2) queryinterface 명령으로 임의의 인터페이스에 1)에서 구한 포인터값을 넘긴다.

3) 임의의 인터페이스를 사용한다

4) 사용을 완료한 인터페이스 포인터를 반납한다.



// 헤더


#include "CWMPPlayer.h" // 프로젝트>클레스 추가>ActiveX의...> windows media player 에서 CWMPPlayer을 찾아추가합니다.

#include "wmp.h" // 미디어플레이어10의 SDK 에 삽입되어있습니다.


class Cmp10View : public CFormView




    // CNonameClass m_Player

    CWMPPlayer m_Player;







// 소스

void Cmp10View::OnBnClickedPlay()


    IDispatch *pSettings = NULL;

    IWMPControls *pSettings2 = NULL; // 임의의 인터페이스, 여기서는 컨트롤 인터페이스

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;


    // Get a pointer to the IDispatch interface from CWMPSettings.

    pSettings = m_Player.get_controls(); // get_controls는 컨트롤 인터페이스의 포인터를 반환합니다.


    if( pSettings != NULL )


        // Get a pointer to the IWMPSettings2 interface.

        hr = pSettings->QueryInterface(&pSettings2); // 임의의 컨트롤 인터페이스에 현재 사용중인 컨트롤 인터페이스의 포인터를 넘깁니다

        if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )


            hr = pSettings2->play();  // 컨트롤 인터페이스를 사용합니다.



        // Don't forget to call release through the pointers.

        if( pSettings )





        if( pSettings2 )








일단 문제 없이 작동합니다만, 이것 말고 정석이 있을것으로 사료됩니다.


Posted by +깡통+
error C2146: 구문 오류 : ';'이(가) 'PVOID64' 식별자 앞에 없습니다.
이렇게 되어 있던것을
typedef void *PVOID;
typedef void * POINTER_64 PVOID64;   
아래처럼 바꾸자.
typedef void* PVOID;
typedef void* POINTER_64;
typedef POINTER_64 PVOID64;

Posted by +깡통+